Below are some of the nuggets in Surf the Seesaw. Hopefully this list piques your curiosity about the stories behind these ideas.

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Creating a myth of self that is at odds with your true self is a recipe for anxiety.

We are terribly bad—with ourselves and with others—at identifying the true intentions behind most of our actions.

It is easier to dream than to do. If you want to live an extraordinary life, do not satisfy yourself with plans, intentions, and dreams: act boldly.

“Benevolent Dictator” is an oxymoron. Choice is like oxygen to our souls. 

Where uncommon ability intersects common utility, extraordinary power asymmetries emerge.

Power tells us nothing about the soul of a person, about whether we should listen to them on every topic under the sun, or about whether they would make lovely company at dinner.

Successful adventure is rare not simply because the risks are great, but also because the preparation requirements are great. Parenting is the grandest adventure of a lifetime. Be intentional about it.

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