Below are some of the nuggets in Surf the Seesaw. Hopefully this list piques your curiosity about the stories behind these ideas.

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If they have never seen you struggle with something difficult, your kids will likely conclude that something is wrong with them.

Ideas are like soufflés: every fully-baked amazing one was at some point half-baked and dubious.

Without honest feedback about their abilities, our children may make unjustified sacrifices regarding important life decisions, compromising a better future built on their true gifts.

Ours is an astonishingly rare moment, so we should live gratefully, intentionally, and creatively within it.

More is always better in a vacuum, but life is not a vacuum. To thrive, human beings need moderate amounts of many things, not all of one.

“I love you” is code. Take the time to decode it for your loved ones.

Even the most well-raised child takes longer to achieve fully-independent mastery of self within our vast, dynamic world than their ancestors did in yesterday’s geographically bound, technologically simpler, less diverse, less competitive, and less dynamic world.

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