Impotent intentions

90% of Americans who have an idea for starting a business never actually start that business. 90% of all diets fail. 90% of New Year’s resolutions are not followed through to completion. Everyone plans; few execute.

While we spent a few years living on a boat sailing around the Caribbean, countless people would say to us something like, "Oh, I have dreamed of that for years, and someday maybe I will.” Our response was always the same: “It is not complicated. You can do it. But you must act boldly to leave behind your comfort zone.” It is easier to dream than to do.

Human beings have an extraordinary imagination and a great gift for storytelling. Our mouths often write checks our souls cannot cash. Perhaps that is why our lives rarely live up to the tales we tell ourselves and others.

If you want to live an extraordinary life, do not satisfy yourself with plans, intentions, and dreams; act boldly.


The Myth of Me


What is Greatness?